Saturday, May 7, 2011

Strega Art Show Reception

 The Reception had a good turn out, lots of people checking out what my classmate and I have been working hard on all this semester. you can't beat having a show for your final. BEST FINAL EVER!!! It feels awesome to get good feedback after all the hard work.

The band was good as well, not too light and new aged as I thought, it gave off good vibes that went  nice with the art.

  To those who were wondering where I went, (if anybody cared) I took off without saying good bye to everybody. For that I feel bad.

What time and date do we come and pick up our pieces??? 

1 comment:

  1. I think it is after 4PM the final monday of the month ---30th..ish.
    I REALLY am a FAN of your new body of work. I'm going to keep an eye out for show venues for you plus if you can get involved with nada dada motel: Facebook/nadadadamotel
